Public Service Announcements are offered as a community service by Rev FM. They are reserved for non-profit organizations, for publicizing events or services, and for requesting volunteers. Public Service Announcements can only be submitted by email to All potential PSA’s should be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the event. We prefer to get prepared scripts, but you can also send us a press release or brochure. Please include a telephone number that our listeners can contact for more information. We also recommend including a web address and/or an email address.
On Friday, March 28, Bridge of Hope Centre County is hosting “Night In A Car” at the Zion Community Church, 3261 Zion Road in Bellefonte. The purpose of this event is to raise awareness of and funds for families in Centre County who have faced homelessness in some way. You can help one of two ways, participate by raising funds, or by donating items. This event supports our program to help homeless single moms and children in Centre County build a better future. Visit to learn more about this event
Caleb + Kelsey, a husband-and-wife duo from Nashville, TN will be performing in concert on April 6, 2025, at 6:30pm at 2nd Avenue Global Methodist Church in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Visit the churches Facebook Event Page for more info
The Downtown DuBois Group has announced the 22nd Annual Community Spring Clean-Up is Saturday, April 12th. The clean-up starts at 9 a.m. and runs until noon. The event will kick off with free breakfast for volunteers at Luigi’s outdoor patio from 8:30-9:00 a.m. The DuBois Fire Companies will be hosing off the downtown streets and sidewalks the evening of Saturday, April 12th. Clean-up areas include the downtown area, City Park, Sandy Lick Creek, Showers Field, Liberty Boulevard embankment, Memorial Walkway, McCracken Run, Clear Run and Beaver Drive, Juniata Lake area, Adopt-A-Highway, parking and vacant lots and the Church of Our Savior Community Garden. You need to pre-register by emailing Wendy Way at or by leaving a message at 814-591-9311 with a contact person’s name, phone number, number of participants and preferred clean up area.
The New Life Worship Center Tax Team is starting their 15th year of service. They offer e-filing federal and state returns, local returns completed for you to mail in, plus they can complete property and rent rebates. The cost is a $30 donation, with all proceeds distributed to local charitable organizations. You can contact them 3 ways, check out their Facebook page, email or call them at 814-215-1933
The Adorned Ladies Ministry of Calvary Baptist Church, located at 810 Ruskin Drive in Altoona, PA is inviting all women to a Ladies Video Conference called, TRUTH: Uncovering the Lies We Believe. It will feature well known apologist and bible scholar, Ken Ham with Dr. Georgia, Purdom, Tommye Hammel, Camille Cates, and Heidi St. John. Also featured is the talented singer and keyboardist, Michael O’Brien in Concert Friday Evening. It is being held at the Calvary Baptist Church on Friday evening, April 25, from 6:15 – 9 PM and on Saturday, April 26, from 9 am – 4:45 pm. Registration deadline is April 16th! The conference is free and Saturday lunch is $10. Register Online at or call the Church office at 814-942-6541.
There will be an Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 19, 1 p.m., at the Fairbrook UMC, 4201 W. Whitehall Road, Pennsylvania Furnace. Bring baskets or bags. Rain or shine. Dress appropriately. Followed with some family activities. Visit for more info
The Ryot Church of the Nazarene’s Annual Free Community Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday April 19th, 2025. Along with the Egg Hunt, there will also be an Easter Story, and Snacks. The event is for Children 12 and under. Registration begins at 1:30pm, and the Egg Hunt begins at 2pm. The church is located at 406 Dunkard Hollow Road, Alum Bank, PA
There will be an Easter Sunrise Service, April 20th at 6:30 am, at Fairbrook Park, Tadpole Road, Pennsylvania Furnace. (If it rains, it will be moved to the Fairbrook UMC, 4201 W. Whitehall Road.) There will then be a Worship Service at 10:15 am. Visit for more info
Do you believe people matter? Do you desire to help community members who are facing difficult life circumstances? If so, Pregnancy Resource Clinic would love to share with you how their services are making an impact across the Centre Region! Please join them for their 2025 Annual Fundraising Banquet being held Tuesday, May 13th at 6:30 p.m. at The Bryce Jordan Center. There is no cost to attend the event, but an opportunity to support Pregnancy Resource Clinic will be extended. A reservation is required; please RSVP at or by calling our office at (814) 234-7341 by Friday, April 25th.
There will be a Rabies Clinic, along with other vaccinations, on April 26th from 10 am to 12 noon, at the Fairbrook UM Church, 4201 W Whitehall Road, in Penna. Furnace. The event is being Co-Sponsored by the Baileyville Grange and Metzger Animal Hospital.
Caleb + Kelsey, a husband-and-wife duo from Nashville, TN will be performing in concert on April 6, 2025, at 6:30pm at 2nd Avenue Global Methodist Church in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Visit the churches Facebook Event Page for more info
The Downtown DuBois Group has announced the 22nd Annual Community Spring Clean-Up is Saturday, April 12th. The clean-up starts at 9 a.m. and runs until noon. The event will kick off with free breakfast for volunteers at Luigi’s outdoor patio from 8:30-9:00 a.m. The DuBois Fire Companies will be hosing off the downtown streets and sidewalks the evening of Saturday, April 12th. Clean-up areas include the downtown area, City Park, Sandy Lick Creek, Showers Field, Liberty Boulevard embankment, Memorial Walkway, McCracken Run, Clear Run and Beaver Drive, Juniata Lake area, Adopt-A-Highway, parking and vacant lots and the Church of Our Savior Community Garden. You need to pre-register by emailing Wendy Way at or by leaving a message at 814-591-9311 with a contact person’s name, phone number, number of participants and preferred clean up area.
The New Life Worship Center Tax Team is starting their 15th year of service. They offer e-filing federal and state returns, local returns completed for you to mail in, plus they can complete property and rent rebates. The cost is a $30 donation, with all proceeds distributed to local charitable organizations. You can contact them 3 ways, check out their Facebook page, email or call them at 814-215-1933
The Adorned Ladies Ministry of Calvary Baptist Church, located at 810 Ruskin Drive in Altoona, PA is inviting all women to a Ladies Video Conference called, TRUTH: Uncovering the Lies We Believe. It will feature well known apologist and bible scholar, Ken Ham with Dr. Georgia, Purdom, Tommye Hammel, Camille Cates, and Heidi St. John. Also featured is the talented singer and keyboardist, Michael O’Brien in Concert Friday Evening. It is being held at the Calvary Baptist Church on Friday evening, April 25, from 6:15 – 9 PM and on Saturday, April 26, from 9 am – 4:45 pm. Registration deadline is April 16th! The conference is free and Saturday lunch is $10. Register Online at or call the Church office at 814-942-6541.
There will be an Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 19, 1 p.m., at the Fairbrook UMC, 4201 W. Whitehall Road, Pennsylvania Furnace. Bring baskets or bags. Rain or shine. Dress appropriately. Followed with some family activities. Visit for more info
The Ryot Church of the Nazarene’s Annual Free Community Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday April 19th, 2025. Along with the Egg Hunt, there will also be an Easter Story, and Snacks. The event is for Children 12 and under. Registration begins at 1:30pm, and the Egg Hunt begins at 2pm. The church is located at 406 Dunkard Hollow Road, Alum Bank, PA
There will be an Easter Sunrise Service, April 20th at 6:30 am, at Fairbrook Park, Tadpole Road, Pennsylvania Furnace. (If it rains, it will be moved to the Fairbrook UMC, 4201 W. Whitehall Road.) There will then be a Worship Service at 10:15 am. Visit for more info
Do you believe people matter? Do you desire to help community members who are facing difficult life circumstances? If so, Pregnancy Resource Clinic would love to share with you how their services are making an impact across the Centre Region! Please join them for their 2025 Annual Fundraising Banquet being held Tuesday, May 13th at 6:30 p.m. at The Bryce Jordan Center. There is no cost to attend the event, but an opportunity to support Pregnancy Resource Clinic will be extended. A reservation is required; please RSVP at or by calling our office at (814) 234-7341 by Friday, April 25th.
There will be a Rabies Clinic, along with other vaccinations, on April 26th from 10 am to 12 noon, at the Fairbrook UM Church, 4201 W Whitehall Road, in Penna. Furnace. The event is being Co-Sponsored by the Baileyville Grange and Metzger Animal Hospital.
The American Red Cross of Greater Pennsylvania is seeking dedicated volunteers in rural communities to respond to local disasters, help donors at blood drives and support community education and outreach efforts. The Red Cross is looking for more volunteers in rural areas to: Respond to disasters, to Help donors at blood drives, and to support community education and outreach. Attend events and activities to raise awareness around home fire safety and emergency preparedness. The need to help has never been greater. Join the Red Cross to provide relief and hope when it matters most. Visit to learn more and get started today.
After the Battle, a support group for U. S. Military Veterans will be held on the second Monday of each month at the Overflow Church on 5th Avenue in Altoona. The group’s purpose is to address the epidemic of Veteran’s suicide. The meetings are held from 7-9p
The Central Intermediate Unit 10 is now offering FREE GED classes on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday at our Benner Pike location. Visit us online at to learn more about class schedules.
Parents of Addicted Loved Ones, or PALs, is a Family Recovery support group that provides fellowship and education to those impacted by a loved one’s substance use disorder. These meetings will be held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the Hyde Wesleyan Church, 1215 Riverview Road, Clearfield. Meetings begin at 5:45 p.m. and end at 7:15 p.m. Join us and get your life back! Visit the church website for more details
The Stillwater Christian Church, 39 McMichael St. in Stillwater, PA are hosting a “Came to Believe Recovery Meeting” Every Sunday Evening from 6:15 – 8:00PM. Anyone who may be having a problem with Alcohol, drugs or other types of addictions are welcome to attend. In addition, anyone with an interest in this program of recovery, even though not afflicted with an addiction, is welcome to attend. For further information, call Brian Drabot (570) 574-3353.
Radiant Life Ministries offers personal prayer ministry appointments online and in-person at their State College office. If you have an area of life that you would like to experience freedom, healing, or breakthrough in, their team of trained ministers would be honored to serve you. Guests receiving ministry experience hearing God’s voice for their situation, physical healing, and emotional healing in areas of past hurt and trauma. For more information or to book your prayer ministry session, visit, For questions, send an email to or call 1-582-322-0195.
Bishop Jack Wisor from the First Apostles’ Doctrine Church in Brockway want you to know that if you are in need of non-perishable food (cans, jars, bottles, boxes) to contact him at 814-590-3898. He will do his best to help you out!
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program, that will come along side of you, to help you to have complete victory over all of your hurts, habits and hang-ups. You will find strength, hope and encouragement waiting for you at Celebrate Recovery. There are 2 places you can attend meetings. Tuesdays from 5:30 to 8p at the TriCounty Church Dubois Campus, and Wednesdays from 5:30 to 8p at the TriCounty Church Clearfield Campus. For More info you can call 814-553-4611
The Just for Jesus Ministry’s monthly outreach to the homeless in Pittsburgh, will be happening on the 4th Saturday of each month as long as they discern that it is safe to do so for the guests of the ministry and members of the church who volunteer to minister to the homeless in Pittsburgh. If you would like to help with the Pittsburgh Outreach effort, donations of the following items for the care packages would be greatly appreciated, along with bottled water and clothing and shoes in good condition (especially men’s): Deodorant Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Socks, Combs, Body lotion, Vitamins, Band aids, Cough drops, Triple antibiotic, Juice with vitamin C, Hard candy, Jello and pudding cups, plus Cereal bars / granola bars. These may be dropped off at the ministry’s main office in Brockway at 14530 Route 28, or a pickup can be arranged in the Jefferson/Clearfield/Elk County area by calling 814-265-0243.
To Find a Blood Drive Near You, check out the American Red Cross Website , Just do a Search for Your Area